I was craving for dark soy chicken very long time. Miss a lot the Spore Chinatown dark soy chicken at Scott road, but the Chinatown here is really out! Finally I've decided to do my own and turn out not that bad and definitely much better than Chinatown here.

Ingredients (serves 4):
1 large chicken (abt 1.5 to 2kg)
2 sticks cinnamon
1 tbsp cloves
1 pc Anise
2 pc Licorice (甘草)
1 large piece aged Chinese dried citrus peel (陈皮)
50ml Chinese wine (preferably meiguilu 玫瑰露)
50g rock sugar
1 small bottle (200ml) best quality dark soya sauce/黑酱油或老抽

1. Clean the chicken and remove all visible fat from neck and back cavity. Wipe with a damp cloth and reserve.

2. Add a little oil to a large pot (enough to contain the whole chicken) and briefly fry spices until aromatic. Add the soya sauce, rock sugar and citrus peel. Place the chicken in the pan and then add enough water to cover three-quarters way up.

3. Bring to a boil and let bubble for three minutes. Turn down to a strong simmer and ladle the sauce over the chicken constantly for five minutes. This is an important step if you want the chicken to colour evenly. If you let the chicken sit in the gravy without spooning sauce over, you’re going to get a dark bottom and lighter top.

4. Add the Chinese wine and let the chicken simmer, turning frequently, and taking GREAT care not to break the skin. Chicken is cooked after another 20-30 minutes. Drain juices, and cut chicken into serving sizes. Serve a side bowl of gravy.


Gladys said…
wow! looks yummy n sounds easy. I shall try one day soon!

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