
Showing posts from November, 2014

Non Bake Cream Cheese Cake

Ingredient: A) 500g Cream Cheese 125g Butter 150g Condensed Milk 250g Reduce Cream 200g Vanilla Ice Cream Powder B) 10g Gelatine Powder 50g Hot water (mixed together) C) 3 packets Salted cheese biscuit Method: 1) Mix Cream cheese with butter until smooth. 2) Add in milk, Cream and Ice Cream Powder 3) Add in (B), mix well. 4) Lay the Salted Cheese Biscuit at the bottom of mold, then spread a layer of Cheese Batter. Repeat the layering step until the batter complete. 5) Put it in the fridge until set. 6) Serve in cold.


材料: 牛腩 820克 薑片 4至5片 蒜頭(拍扁)4至 5粒 八角 1粒 白米酒 1湯匙 低鹽雞湯( 自製 或現成) 3量杯 水 1量杯 香葉(bay leaf) 3片 白胡椒粒 約 20粒 冰糖(如大拇指大小) 10克 白蘿蔔(去皮切粗塊) 500克 鹽 酌量 做法: 牛腩用滾水略煮,去血水。撈起瀝乾。切粗塊。如有肥膏,也切丟。備用。 燒熱油鑊,下薑片和蒜頭,用大火爆香。下牛腩炒熱。灑酒,炒勻。倒進雞湯和水。加香葉,白胡椒粒和冰糖。 加蓋煮滾後,煮約3,0分鐘,熄火,不拿走蓋,焗15分鐘。如是者,重複此步驟至牛腩開始軟稔。 另起油鑊爆香白蘿蔔。加入牛腩中,煮至蘿蔔軟稔。加少許鹽調味,即成。 更多内容:


  CHINESE PUMPKIN CAKE WITH SESAME (Recipe adapted  here )   Ingredients 600g butternut, steamed and smashed (from ~900g raw butternut) 300g glutinous rice flour 50g custard powder 80g icing sugar vegetable oil (for pan fry) white sesame (for coating)   Directions In a medium bowl,  place smashed butternut , custard powder, icing sugar and mix to combine.  Add glutinous rice flour,  in two batches,  knead after each addition until the mixture is non- sticky and a soft dough is formed. No water is needed. Divide the dough into 20 portions and shape into balls.  Coat evenly with white sesame. Flatten slightly with your palm. Heat up a non-stick frying pan with some oil over low-to-medium heat. Cook, in batches, for 2-3 minutes each side, or until golden brown.  Transfer onto a serving plate lined with kitchen tissue. Serve warm. I am submit...