糖醋排骨 Sweet & Sour Spareribs

材料 Ingredients: 1 湯匙紹興酒 (1 tablespoon cooking wine) 2 湯匙生抽 (2 tablespoons soya sauce) 3 湯匙白糖 (3 tablespoons white sugar) 4 湯匙鎮江醋 (4 tablespoons Zhen Jiang vinegar) 5 湯匙水 (5 tablespoons water) 一字排骨(約600克)(600 gm spare ribs) 做法: 1.先把排骨切件,拖水,去血水,沖凈。 2.把已拖水的排骨放入上述已煮滾的醬料中,再滾後,蓋好,慢火炆一小時左右。見汁收少至濃,排骨轉暗紅色,即成。上碟供食。 Method: 1.Cut spare ribs into pieces and put them into boiling water for a few minutes to rinse away any blood. 2.Add spare ribs into the above ingredients and bring to boil. Turn down to slow heat. Cook for about 1 hour until less sauce and spare ribs turn dark brown. Serve hot. Read more: http://www.christinesrecipes.com/2008/03/sweet-sour-spareribs.html#ixzz2ySBfMdzq