
Chocolate Marble Bread

 Source: Pain de Yumi 朱古力餡: (前一晚預備) A.高筋麵粉 35g B.粟粉 10g C.牛奶 80g D.可可粉 15g E.細砂糖 35g F.朱古力 50g G.無鹽牛油 30g 蛋白 1 隻 做法: A-E 放在鍋內攪勻,加入F+G,開小火一邊攪 一邊煮至F+G溶化,成一鍋細滑的朱古力糊。然後加入蛋白,小火一邊煮 一邊攪(以防痴底)朱古力糊會慢慢變乾身(沒有流動性)。然後鋪平在牛油紙上,蓋成平均的長方形,包好入雪櫃備用。 麵團: (前一晚預備) 高筋麵粉 270g 乾酵母 3g 奶粉 15g 牛奶 150g 雞蛋 1 個(如果雞蛋較大,牛奶要減10g) 細砂糖 25g 鹽 3g 無鹽牛油 20g 麵包機搓: 機搓10分鐘成團後,加入無鹽牛油再搓10分鐘至出膜。 手搓: >牛奶130g(抽起20g搓團時慢慢加入)+乾酵母,靜置5分鐘。其他材料除無鹽牛油放於大碗內。 >酵母奶加入所有材料,用筷子略略攪成一球,太乾可開始少少地加入牛奶。 >取出開始搓揉,其間慢慢加入抽起的牛奶(如果太濕 頂唔順 唔加/加唔哂都可以)此為麵團微微偏濕,好好搓。 >手搓10分鐘,起粗膜,加入無鹽牛油再搓出薄膜(總搓團時間請保持20分鐘內) >成團後放雪櫃低溫發酵一晚(8-14小時) (原食譜係直接放雪箱雪30分鐘,只做一次發酵,但我想軟熟啲,所以做夠兩次發酵 第一次為低溫發酵,隔日食都唔硬) 以下請在枱面洒上麵粉(防沾),但摺疊前請先掃走麵團上的防沾粉 >第二朝取出麵團,排氣碌平(如太軟可包好放雪箱靜置 15分鐘),靜置後碌成大長方型,取出雪好的朱古力餡放在中間,包好! >包好後左右各摺一摺,然後對摺。包好放雪箱鬆弛 15分鐘。 >取出,碌成長方形,兩邊向中間摺成長方形(看圖),包好放雪箱鬆弛 15分鐘。 >(剛才已完成 4x3次摺疊),碌平成大長方形,分八份成八條長條,然後兩條兩條痴埋一齊,成四條粗長條 四手辮: 第4條搭第2條 第1條搭第3條 第2條搭第4條 嫌煩直接三手辮一樣得 >頭尾向下摺一摺,放入450g吐司 >做發酵(溫度不過30度) 發好耐咖,我發左兩個鐘 >發好上蓋,預熱焗爐180度 焗45分鐘。 焗好大力撻一撻,脫模 放涼 即可享用 請唔好為慳時間唔放雪櫃!(會溶到周圍都係) 後尾四手辮部份可自由創作,花紋效果會唔同~ 發酵時間會...

Pandan Banana Sponge Cake

INGREDIENTS: 150g cake flour 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 4 egg yolks 2 banana, mashed (approx. 200g) 50g concentrated homemade pandan juice 70-80g canola oil 4 egg whites 60-65g caster sugar 1tsp lemon juice 1/2 salt Utensil: 8" round pan / two 6" round pan / 7" square pan. Greased sides and line the bottoms. Method: 1. Preheat oven to 160C. 2. In  a large bowl add in egg yolks, canola oil, mashed banana, pandan juice and using a hand whisk mix the ingredients until even. 3. Mix baking powder, baking soda and flour together and sift this into the yolk mixture and mix until well combine. SO not over-mix. Set aside. 4. Using an stand/electric mixer, whisk egg white until frothy before adding lemon juice and salt and continue to beat until foamy. Gradually add in sugar and whisk until soft peaks formed. The meringue is ready when ribbon forms and remains on top. 5. Mix 1/3 of meringue with yolk batter with a hand whisk. Add another 1/...

Natalie's Killer Carrot Cake

Yields 12 cupcakes or 2-layer 7" round cake 130g AP Flour (I used SRF) 80g Brown Sugar 40g Castor Sugar 1/2 tsp Baking Powder (I omit) 1/2 tsp Baking Soda 1/2 tsp Salt 1 tsp Cinnamon 1 tsp Vanilla Extract 2 Eggs 140g Vegetable Oil (I used melted butter) 200g Grated Carrots (from 430g carrots; squeeze out juice after grated) 70g Walnut/Pecan Pieces (save some for decorating) Preheat oven to 170 degrees 1. Whisk together first 7 ingredients. In another bowl whisk together eggs and oil. 2. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients, mix until incorporated. Fold in carrots and nuts. 3. Pour in two 7 inch cake rounds, bake for 35 - 45 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. 4. Let cool at least 30 minutes before taking out of pan. Cream Cheese Frosting yield: enough for this cake 250g Cream Cheese, softened 60g Butter, slightly soften 1 Tbsp Sour cream (I made with 2 Tbsp whipping cream + 1 tsp lemon juice) 2 tsp Corn flour, ...

Steamed White Sugar Cake (蒸白糖糕)

INGREDIENTS Ingredient A: 1   tsp   instant yeast 1   tbsp   water ,  lukewarm Ingredient B: 300   grams   rice flour ,  sifted 280   grams   water ,  room temperature Ingredient C: 200   grams   sugar 340   grams   water ,  room temperature 3   pieces   pandan leaves ,  knotted Ingredient: 1/2   tsp   cooking oil INSTRUCTIONS Proof the Yeast: 1. tart by dissolving 1 teaspoon instant yeast in 1 tbsp lukewarm water. 2. Set aside the mixture for 10 minutes or until the mixture turns foamy. Make the Cake Batter: 1. Have ready rice flour and water. 2. Place sifted rice flour into a medium size bowl and add in water. Whisk and combine till you get a thick and smooth batter. Then set aside. 3. Next, have ready sugar, water and knotted pandan leaves. 4. In a saucepan, heat up the sugar with water and pandan leaves until suga...

Chocolate Banana Muffins

Ingredients 1 1/2 cups  mashed bananas  (about 3 medium bananas) 1/3 cup  vegetable oil  1  egg  (room temperature) 1/3 cup  white granulated sugar  1 1/2 cups  all purpose flour  1/3 cup  cocoa  1 teaspoon  baking soda  1 teaspoon  white vinegar / lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon  baking powder  1 teaspoon  vanilla extract  1 cup  chocolate chips  Ingredients Preheat oven to 175 degrees C. Line a 12-count muffin pan with cupcake liners. Set aside. In a large bowl, combine mashed bananas, vegetable oil and egg. In a separate large bowl, sift together flour, cocoa and baking powder. Whisk in sugar. Add flour mixture to banana mixture and using a spatula gently stir to combine. Don't over-mix. Add baking soda to a small bowl with the vinegar. Mix to combine. Add vinegar mixture and vanilla extract to the batter, stir to combine. Stir in chocolate chips....

Homemade Thin-Crust Pizza

MAKES 2 (10-inch) pizzas SERVES 4 INGREDIENTS For the dough: 3/4 cup  lukewarm water 1 teaspoon  active dry yeast 2 cups  all-purpose flour, plus more for kneading 3/4 teaspoon  salt 2 teaspoons  olive oil, divided For the toppings: 1/2 cup  pizza sauce, such as  classic red sauce  or a  white sauce 1 to 2 cups  cheese: one or a combination of shredded mozzarella, provolone, Parmesan, fontina, romano, and asiago cheese Topping options:  sautéed onions or mushrooms, sliced red peppers, pepperoni, cooked sausage, cooked bacon, etc. INSTRUCTIONS Arrange a rack in the bottom third of the oven, place a rimmed baking sheet on the rack, and heat to 200-210°C.  Meanwhile, make the dough. Pour the water into a medium bowl. Sprinkle the yeast over the water, and let stand until the yeast is dissolved and foamy, 3 to 5 minutes. Add the flour an...

Moist Butter Cake

Ingredients: 230g Cake Flour 1/2 tsp Baking Soda 250g Unsalted Butter 200g Sugar 5 Eggs 50ml Fresh Milk 1 tsp Vanilla Essence Methods: 1) Mix and shift together the Baking soda with cake flour. Place aside. 2) Put in unsalted butter and sugar into mixer and mix at low speed for 2 mins. Increase the speed to medium, mix for 15 mins until lightly fluffy. Scrape the side of mixer from time to time. 3) Add the eggs one by one into mixer 4) Add the sifted flour mixture spoon by spoon. 5) Add in milk and Vanilla Essence and mix at low speed for 5 mins. 6) Pour in tin and tap for few times. 7) Bake 160C for 55-60 mins until the cake is cook.